Do, 13.03.2025

Drehbuch: Edgar Wallace      Sortierung: Regie
Anzahl: 40 Titel      ø-Länge: 92 min      ø-Wertung: 6,0 IMDb
Titel [Details]JahrOriginaltitel [TMDb]Regie
01Horror, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 25 - Das Rätsel des silbernen Dreieck  1966 Circus of Fear - Circus of Terror - Psycho-Circus Werner Jacobs
John Llewellyn Moxey 
United Kingdom
West Germany 
91 5,4 
02Giallo, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 38 - Das Rätsel des silbernen Halbmonds  1972 Seven Blood-Stained Orchids Umberto Lenzi Italy
West Germany 
92 6,4 
03Adventure, Action, Drama, Thriller Edgar Wallace 22 - Sanders und das Schiff des Todes  1965 Coast of Skeletons Robert Lynn United Kingdom
South Africa 
90 4,8 
04Action, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 34 - Das Gesicht im Dunkeln  1969 Double Face - Puzzle of Horrors Riccardo Freda Italy
West Germany 
88 5,7 
05Horror, Giallo, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 37 - Das Geheimnis der grünen Stecknadel  1972 What Have You Done to Solange? - The School That Couldn't Scream Massimo Dallamano Italy
West Germany
United Kingdom 
107 7,0 
06Adventure, Action, Mystery Edgar Wallace 17 - Todestrommeln am grossen Fluss  1963 Death Drums Along the River - Sanders Lawrence Huntington United Kingdom
West Germany 
83 4,8 
07Crime, Horror, Mystery Edgar Wallace 03 - Der Rächer  1960 The Avenger Karl Anton West Germany 99 5,8 
08Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 05 - Der grüne Bogenschütze  1961 The Green Archer Jürgen Roland West Germany 93 5,9 
09Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Thriller Edgar Wallace 02 - Der rote Kreis  1960 The Red Circle  Jürgen Roland West Germany
92 6,2 
10Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 09 - Die seltsame Gräfin  1961 The Strange Countess Josef von Báky
Jürgen Roland
Ottokar Runze 
West Germany 95 6,1 
11Action, Adventure, Thriller Edgar Wallace 35 - Der Teufel kam aus Akasava  1971 The Devil Came from Akasava Jesús Franco West Germany
84 4,9 
12Crime, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 10 - Das Rätsel der roten Orchidee  1962 The Puzzle of the Red Orchid - The Secret of the Red Orchid Helmuth Ashley West Germany 84 5,5 
13Adventure, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 24 - Der unheimliche Mönch  1965 The Sinister Monk Harald Reinl West Germany 86 6,4 
14Thriller, Crime, Drama Edgar Wallace 18 - Zimmer 13  1964 Room 13 Harald Reinl West Germany
89 6,0 
15Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 08 - Der Fälscher von London  1961 The Forger of London Harald Reinl West Germany 93 6,1 
16Crime, Horror, Drama Edgar Wallace 04 - Die Bande des Schreckens  1960 The Terrible People - Hand of the Gallows Harald Reinl West Germany 92 6,3 
17Crime, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 01 - Der Frosch mit der Maske  1959 Face of the Frog Harald Reinl West Germany
89 6,4 
18Action, Adventure, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 36 - Die Tote aus der Themse  1971 Angels of Terror Harald Philipp West Germany
United Kingdom 
89 5,3 
19Crime, Drama, Mystery The Case of the Frightened Lady 1940 The Scarf Murder Mystery George King United Kingdom 81 6,4 
20Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Thriller Edgar Wallace 21 - Das Verrätertor  1964 Traitor's Gate Freddie Francis United Kingdom
West Germany 
87 5,8 
21Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 19 - Die Gruft mit dem Rätselschloss  1964 The Curse of the Hidden Vault Franz Josef Gottlieb West Germany 90 5,5 
22Action, Adventure, Comedy, Thriller Edgar Wallace 13 - Der Fluch der gelben Schlange  1963 Curse of the Yellow Snake Franz Josef Gottlieb West Germany 98 5,2 
23Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 15 - Der schwarze Abt  1963 The Black Abbot Franz Josef Gottlieb West Germany 95 5,9 
24Horror, Giallo, Mystery, Thriller Die neunschwänzige Katze 1971 The Cat o' Nine Tails Dario Argento Italy
West Germany 
112 6,7 
25Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery Edgar Wallace 27 - Das Geheimnis der weissen Nonne  1966 The Trygon Factor Cyril Frankel United Kingdom
West Germany 
88 5,9 
26Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 28 - Die blaue Hand  1967 Creature with the Blue Hand Alfred Vohrer
Samuel M. Sherman 
West Germany 87 6,1 
27Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 33 - Der Mann mit dem Glasauge  1969 The Man with the Glass Eye Alfred Vohrer West Germany 87 5,6 
28Adventure, Horror, Crime Edgar Wallace 30 - Der Hund von Blackwood Castle  1968 The Hound of Blackwood Castle - The Horror of Blackwood Castle Alfred Vohrer West Germany 92 6,2 
29Crime, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 31 - Im Banne des Unheimlichen  1968 The Hand of Power - The Zombie Walks Alfred Vohrer West Germany 88 6,0 
30Crime, Horror, Action Edgar Wallace 32 - Der Gorilla von Soho  1968 The Gorilla of Soho - Gorilla Gang Alfred Vohrer West Germany 96 5,3 
31Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 29 - Der Mönch mit der Peitsche  1967 The Monk with the Whip - The College Girl Murders Alfred Vohrer West Germany 88 6,2 
32Crime, Horror, Thriller Edgar Wallace 26 - Der Bucklige von Soho  1966 The Hunchback of Soho Alfred Vohrer West Germany 90 5,9 
33Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 23 - Neues vom Hexer  1965 Again the Ringer Alfred Vohrer West Germany 95 6,3 
34Adventure, Crime, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 20 - Der Hexer  1964 The Ringer - The Mysterious Magician - The Wizard Alfred Vohrer West Germany 95 6,7 
35Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 14 - Der Zinker  1963 The Squeaker Alfred Vohrer West Germany
93 6,3 
36Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 16 - Das indische Tuch  1963 The Indian Scarf Alfred Vohrer West Germany 93 6,6 
37Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 11 - Die Tür mit den sieben Schlössern  1962 The Door with Seven Locks Alfred Vohrer West Germany
96 6,0 
38Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 12 - Das Gasthaus an der Themse  1962 The Inn on the River Alfred Vohrer West Germany 92 6,5 
39Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller Edgar Wallace 06 - Die toten Augen von London  1961 Dead Eyes of London Alfred Vohrer West Germany 104 6,4 
40Crime, Drama, Mystery Edgar Wallace 07 - Das Geheimnis der gelben Narzissen  1961 The Devil's Daffodil - Daffodil Killer Ákos Ráthonyi United Kingdom
West Germany 
94 5,6